"I think I can, I think I can, I think I can."
As it neared the top of the grade, which had so discouraged the larger engines, it went more slowly. However, it still kept saying, "I--think--I--can, I--think--I--can." It reached the top by drawing on bravery and then went on down the grade, congratulating itself by saying,
"I thought I could, I thought I could."
This story brings back fond memories. When my son N was a little boy, this was the book he always asked me to read and in fact had it memorized by the time he was 4 years old.
He became obsessed with trains and as a result, we have a great collection of Thomas the Tank Engine...trains, books and movies, as well as many more books on the subject of trains. Our dear friend H has an expansive miniature scale train village built and set up in one room in his basement, that N had to visit every time we came over to H&M's home.
He was absolutely mesmerized!
In this book, The Little Engine That Could, we learned together that if the little train could do it, we could do it too if we set our mind to it with determination and perseverance.
Those words came to me when I read this lovely post recently...
Tina at The Quiet Home designed a knitting project that was just so adorable,
right down to the converse shoes.
This was Tina's description:
Rosie is a sweet girl, who is quiet and reflective but loves bright clothes! ♥
She is 16" tall, and is easy to knit. If you can knit, purl, increase and decrease, you can make a Rosie doll! :)
I fell in love with this Rosie doll, so at ease, 'reading' her book the way my children did when they were young. Nostalgia overcame me as I thought:
She makes it sound so easy. Maybe I can do this!

You can do it! You take on everything with reckless abandon. I know you will do well.
I had to laugh at his word choice for me, but he sure is my cheerleader!
I would have said that I take everything on with enthusiastic or eager trepidation!
(sounds like an oxymoron:)
A few weeks ago I posted about a day trip that my daughter and I took, where we bought material for this project. You can read about it here
I promised my daughter that when I completed the project, I would give the doll to her.
She showed so much interest, watched my progress, and encouraged me on the journey.
I love my family~they truly are the best:)
I had so much fun on this crafting journey! Tina's instructions were so clear, detailed and concise. Perfect for a novice like myself. I did go here and here when I felt uncertain about some of the steps in the pattern. To purchase this pattern for your own project, visit her blog here for more information. Thank you Tina for inspiring me... I am so grateful! ♥
Yesterday afternoon was spent wrapping up my project, then waiting for my daughter to come home so we could settle on a name. (named after my daughter Jill)
And now....
May I introduce to you Jilly, a sweet, kind, thoughtful girl who enjoys reading but prefers to be outdoors in nature, hiking and gardening, loves music and her friends, loves wearing denims along with her favourite converse shoes. ~♥~