Spring by Kathryn White

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Café au lait

These photos were taken yesterday while the sun was shining and the day was leisurely.
My plans were to get the laundry completed, the house work done, then get outside to enjoy Jodi Picoult's latest book, "House Rules", a difficult look into the world of Asperger's Syndrome.
I wanted to post just one more 'french' item that I have so enjoyed, however, the computer was not cooperating with me. Thanks to my high tech son, it's all good again.
Let me introduce you to my French Coffee Press and the joys of a good coffee, along with a compelling read. I have really enjoyed immersing myself into the french culture, even if just for a few weeks. Next week I will move on in my blog posts, however, I have decided that I do not want to pronounce french words with a dutch accent, so I have ordered a french program on disc so that I can speak proper french.
Remember this: " You are never too old to learn"
I am living proof:)
Now it's off to the library to share my love of learning...
Added for Nan who shared that she loves accordian music. This is the CD we had playing during our french evening and I would recommend it: Café Paris
Perfect Café music!