Spring by Kathryn White

Monday, March 22, 2010

Return of the Robin and more....

One of the beauties of Spring is the return of the Robin.
Last week we spotted our first robin and although

I captured it on camera, the robins were too busy 'courting' so the photo did not turn out.
Later in the week, we heard the beautiful chorus of a number of robins in the tree in our yard...such a welcoming sound! (photos found on google images)

We also had a surprise visitor to our home last week,
a stunning Ring-Necked Pheasant, and have since seen several.
They are such a beautiful bird and we felt honoured by their guest appearance!

We have also enjoyed the Blue Jay, the Red Cardinal and the adorable Black-Capped Chickadee, although they have been around throughout the winter enjoying the feeders.

And another sure sign of Spring is the return of the Canada Geese, who make their presence known by their loud honking! They are such a regal distinguished-looking bird:)

"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns,
and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" ~Matthew 6:26