Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Calm After the Storm

Although the storm wasn't as significant as first predicted, we did all have a snow day yesterday as buses were canceled, schools were closed, and work allowed me to stay home.
It was wonderful to have a day of leisure; read a book, do some knitting, have a nap as I was feeling 'under the weather' in more ways than one.
I am heading out the door now, but want to assure family that we are not buried under metres of snow, but rather facing a gloriously sunny, bright, cheerful day today...
Truly the calm after the storm:)

It's a good thing that yesterday's sun didn't shine as Wiarton Willie is now predicting an early Spring...he didn't see his shadow:)

The Second of February
Back To February
There's only the day the whole long year,
That I hope and pray the sun won't appear.
The second of February, you all know,
The groundhog goes searching for his shadow.
If he should find it, the story is told,
We'll have six more weeks of winter's cold.
But if it is cloudy, his shadow's not there,
There'll soon be warm weather and days will be fair.
So please, Mr. Sun, for just this one day.
Find a big dark cloud - and stay away!


We awoke to a shroud of mist and fog....

But the sun is faithfully appearing to burn away the fog
and make way for a brilliantly beautiful day:

I am heading out the door today for appointments, but wanted to wish you all a lovely day, and if the sun is shining in your neck of the woods, enjoy it! If it is dull and dismal out, remember that the clouds will disappear and the sun will come out again. God is faithful!