Haiti, and I wonder why more hasn't been done for them, and I do the only thing I am able to do right now from the safe haven of my home in Canada...
I pray for them.

'This year has been harder then the year before,' she added. 'There was joy before and people didn't want to think about the earthquake. Now, all the people are frustrated, and a lot of people say they still don't want to stay in their house because they are scared. I don't think it's going to get better.'

For many Haitians, the memory of the earthquake is still too much to bear. Going to church provides some solace to many, and also the rare opportunity to reflect and cry. But these are not the churches they once were. The majority of the congregants gather under UNICEF tents to worship. Some, like this woman, choose to stay away from the fray and reflect more privately from a distance.
You an see more pictures with commentary here
To gain more understanding from someone who has lived through this experience, you can visit the Livesay family who has documented the journey in a a very informative blog: Livesay Haiti
One of the best books I have read on the topic of suffering and pain
is written by Randy Alcorn, who tackles these questions and more in the following book:

"Every one of us will experience suffering.
Many of us are experiencing it now.
As we have seen in recent years, evil is real in our world,
present and close to each one of us.
In such difficult times, suffering and evil beg questions about God--Why would an all-good and all-powerful God create a world full of evil and suffering? And then, how can there be a God if suffering and evil exist?
In this captivating new book, best-selling author Randy Alcorn challenges the logic of disbelief, and brings a fresh, realistic, and thoroughly biblical insight to the issues these important questions raise.
Alcorn offers insights from his conversations with men and women whose lives have been torn apart by suffering, and yet whose faith in God burns brighter than ever. He reveals the big picture of who God is and what God is doing in the world–now and forever. And he equips you to share your faith more clearly and genuinely in this world of pain and fear...."
My prayers are also with the families of the tragedy in Tucson, Arizona as well as the many families affected by the terrible flooding in Australia at the moment. My friend Sue who has left many encouraging comments on my blog from time to time, has shared much with me through correspondence to give me a better understanding of what is going on at the moment in her beloved country.
Sue, you and your country are in my prayers daily.
Added: Brazil is now affected by flooding...such devastation...so little we can do but we can pray for this country as well.
In an uncertain world full of turmoil and tribulation, heartache and pain, I cling to the comfort of knowing that God knows and His heart is moved with compassion.
The LORD is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
Psalm 34:18
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
Psalm 34:18