Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Baking, Books and BBB

I have been busy in the kitchen this morning in preparation for my family as well as for Coffee Break, a ladies Bible Study that I attend in our community.
My biggest problem with baking is that I want to try so many recipes that I never know when to stop so I made:
♥ Dutch Spice Cake
♥ Blueberry Bundt Cake
♥ Ginger Cake with Caramel Icing
♥ Blueberry Muffins

The Ginger Cake was a recipe that I found at this wonderful site:
The English Kitchen.
Be sure to drop by for a visit at Marie Raynor's blog and tell her that I sent you.
The cake smells heavenly with all the spices!

Dutch Spice Cake
(It says in my cookbook: Beppe's recipe)

3 cups flour
2 cups brown sugar
1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1 1/2 tsp. baking soda
1 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1 1/2 tsp. allspice
1 tsp. cloves
2 cups hot milk

Mix together dry ingredients.
Add hot milk.
Pour into prepared pans and bake at 350' for 1 hour.
Be sure to test for readiness...mine had to be in a little longer than the stated time.
I added 1 cup of mixed Golden and Thompson raisins.
Just wanted to add that I always pour boiling water over the raisins
and let them sit for 5 minutes before draining them,
to clean and plump them up before using in baking.
This recipe is so easy and so perfect anytime with a cup of coffee or tea!


I was sharing with friends the other day about the lingo
my children use when on facebook and when texting, neither of which I do.
Here are some for you, taken from this site:
# as soon as possible - asap
# because – bcuz
# (will) be right back – brb
# by the way – btw
# call me – cm
# don’t know – dk
# excuse me – em
# good morning – gm
# good night – gn
# f2f – face to face
# hand – have a nice day
# have fun – hf
# in my (humble) opinion – imo/imho
# irl – in real life
# jsyk – just so you know
# keep in touch – kit
# laughing out loud – lol
# lmk – let me know
# miss you – mu
# nature – n8r
# okay – k
# running late – ringl8
# see you later – cul8r
# see you tomorrow – cut
# talk to you later – ttyl or ttul
# time to go – t2go
# tyt – take your time

Other Text Messaging Shortcuts

1. Leaving out vowels,
2. removing the e in words ending with e,
3. replacing o with u for correct sound,
4. shortening double consonants to one,
5. replacing i + consonants with y.

My heart goes out to the Teachers
who have to teach proper grammar and punctuation
in this day and age!
That's all I will say on the matter...

* at work –@wrk
* give – giv
* love – luv
* please – plz
* right – ryt
* sorry – sry
* thanks – thx
* through – thru

Although I may not be 'hip' and 'cool' (LOL...laugh out loud)
I do have one short abbreviation that I introduced my dh and dc to.
(dear hubby and dear children)
Are you ready for it?

Allow me to share my brilliant abbrev. with all of you:

Blessed Beyond Belief!

Annie, over at Annie Joy's Letters wanted me to share my TBR stack...
Yes, another short form to mean:
To Be Read!
This is for you Annie...
I must head out the door to work now
so I will have to share more about the eclectic book stack later....

Blessings on your day, dear and gentle readers!
May you all know what it is to experience being:

Although I don't know how accurate the percentages are,
I do know that it should give us cause to reflect and be thankful!

(be sure to pause playlist at the bottom of this screen)