While I was at work this evening at the library, my friend M who works at the florist shop in town here, walked in carrying the most beautiful poinsettia plant then handed it over to me. I thought it was an order for the library and was shocked when she said it was for me. I just couldn't believe it!
Some dear kind people ordered it for delivery to the library just for me.
I can't thank them enough for their kindness... It just made my day!
It was so very kind and thoughtful of her! Thank you M!
Thank you D!
How beautiful a day can be
When kindness touches it!
~George Elliston
~George Elliston
Kindness (thoughtfulness) is truly one of the greatest gifts we can give to one another.
I then reflect on God's kindness toward us, a reminder again during this Christmas season:
God's Daily Acts of Kindness
1. Unconditional love.
2. Forgiveness ~ he is a God of second chances
3. Grace ~ undeserved favor, a free gift that is greater than anything money can buy.
4. Peace ~ even in the midst of difficulty.
5. Joy! Hope!
6. Jesus ~ the best gift of all. Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without the birth of Christ. Easter wouldn't be Easter without the Resurrection...