My family teased me, they challenged me....they even dared me!
Instead of shying away from the challenge, I have decided to boldly take it on as a reminder that:
1) life is not perfect
2) blogs tend to showcase the good and the beautiful,
but avoid the not so pretty
3) people are more important than stuff
4) my treasures are my faith, my family and my friends
So here's my story taking some liberties from a poem you will all know:
I had just settled down for a time of quiet reading,
My morning devotions was what I was needing.
When out in the kitchen there arose such a clatter.
I sprang from my chair to see what was the matter.
This sounded serious, I knew I had to dash,
So away to the kitchen I flew like a flash.
Only to see the look of shock on my daughter's face,
and broken dishes scattered all over the place.
The shelf in the cupboard was falling,
so for help my daughter was calling.
I stood in silence, not a word was spoken,
as I surveyed the damage and all that was broken.
Suddenly it became clear to me what I must do,
Call on my hubby, let him know we had a crisis or two
Isn't that what every woman would do?:)
Calm was his style and wide was his smile
as he simply took the broom
then swept the contents into a box,
and vacuumed up the room...
He is my hero!
My morning devotions was what I was needing.
When out in the kitchen there arose such a clatter.
I sprang from my chair to see what was the matter.
This sounded serious, I knew I had to dash,
So away to the kitchen I flew like a flash.
Only to see the look of shock on my daughter's face,
and broken dishes scattered all over the place.
The shelf in the cupboard was falling,
so for help my daughter was calling.
I stood in silence, not a word was spoken,
as I surveyed the damage and all that was broken.
Suddenly it became clear to me what I must do,
Call on my hubby, let him know we had a crisis or two
Isn't that what every woman would do?:)
Calm was his style and wide was his smile
as he simply took the broom
then swept the contents into a box,
and vacuumed up the room...
He is my hero!
On a lighter note, we enjoyed a wonderful day yesterday as we had a special service at our church in the morning, followed by an afternoon tea enjoyed by all of our guests.
So beautiful! The ladies who directed it, the costumes, the choir, the soloists, the organist and all the drama characters did an amazing job.
There was the Bishop of Ambrose who sang:
"Of the Father's Love Begotten"
Martin Luther who wrote:
"A Mighty Fortress is Our God"
John Calvin who wrote:
"Sing, Sing a New Song to the Lord God"
Fanny Crosby who, despite being blind, wrote over 8,000 hymns, making this one of her most beloved hymns:
"Blessed Assurance"
John Work, who wrote:
"Go, Tell it on the Mountain"
Robert Lowry who wrote:
Shall We Gather at the River"
And finally, my favourite song of the evening written by John Newton:
"Amazing Grace"
Thank you to all involved in making this such a special evening. It truly was one of the highlights of our day!