Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sunday's Simple Joys

My friend Leslie over at Wayside Sacrements often features a special posting she has entitled Simple Joys. She has asked us to share so I thought I would join in.

Some of my Simple Joys today included:
~a beautiful worship service this morning
~my church family who are so special to me
~serving my family who were all home today
~catching up on my reading, followed by...
~a wonderful, much-needed nap
(still feeling the effects of jet-lag)
~waking up to glorious sunlight shining through the window...
~and filtering through the trees

~going for a Fall walk with my girls
~Chinese Lanterns along the roadside
~meeting up with my friend on that road
and discovering that her husband planted the bright orange cheerful lanterns many years ago...thank you! They are so enjoyed!

~sheep grazing in the pasture
~the beauty of the harvested fields
~Queen Anne's Lace still blooming

~the setting sun

~home again with the gathered lanterns
placed in an outdoor urn

~tea and apple crisp made with the first harvest apples

~listening to my girls play the keyboard and guitar as they sing worship songs

~New to me worship song sung at church this morning
(pause playlist below to listen)