As the seasons of the year, so are the seasons of life.
"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven..."
~Ecclesiastes 3:1
Early this Spring, (March 11 to be exact) under the encouragement of several friends and the challenge of my oldest daughter, I began this blog to document the changing seasons through my hobby of photography. Seasonal Hearth represents all that I love: my family and my home, my friends and my faith, the gift of life which is our journey on this earth.
Maintaining a blog has caused me to pause and take notice of the small day to day occurences in my life, not because they are overly exciting, but because they are ordinary moments, a time given to me by God.
When I think back to my younger years, I recall how I was always in a hurry, rushing from place to place as I tried to get as much accomplished as possible. I was a nurturer (still am) and wanted to care for everyone placed on my path. Often family and friends would remind me to slow down and take care of myself, but that didn't seem to be in my nature.
I wanted to be in the fast lane and thought that by doing so, I would accomplish everything I set my hands and heart to.
"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven..."
~Ecclesiastes 3:1
Early this Spring, (March 11 to be exact) under the encouragement of several friends and the challenge of my oldest daughter, I began this blog to document the changing seasons through my hobby of photography. Seasonal Hearth represents all that I love: my family and my home, my friends and my faith, the gift of life which is our journey on this earth.
Maintaining a blog has caused me to pause and take notice of the small day to day occurences in my life, not because they are overly exciting, but because they are ordinary moments, a time given to me by God.
When I think back to my younger years, I recall how I was always in a hurry, rushing from place to place as I tried to get as much accomplished as possible. I was a nurturer (still am) and wanted to care for everyone placed on my path. Often family and friends would remind me to slow down and take care of myself, but that didn't seem to be in my nature.
I wanted to be in the fast lane and thought that by doing so, I would accomplish everything I set my hands and heart to.
I am entering another season in my life now as our four children are growing up and becoming independant. I am learning to relax and to rest in the knowledge that God is in control of every detail of my life. I have predominately been a stay at home mom until the past few years, when I slowly ventured back into the work place, having been blessed with a job that I absolutely love. The challenges of work, courses and maintaining the home, have kept me busy, but I am continually reminded to take time for reflection as I pause to enjoy life as a gift from God.
Living in a rural community has also forced me to slow down and take notice of the changing seasons. This is a common sight as the fields are being harvested:
This school bus is a reminder that the glorious and leisurely days of summer are drawing to an end. The Fall season will soon be upon us as the children are preparing to go back to school.
Lately I have found myself fretting over all the things I have to accomplish before the Fall season arrives. We are preparing to take a trip to The Netherlands in September to visit my hubby's family, passports and paperwork have to be in place, and details have to be arranged.
We have doctors appointments and dental visits, back to school shopping, courses to complete and an exam to submit, responsibilities and obligations, deadlines to meet, college and university preparations to consider...
When I find myself getting too busy again, God gently reminds me to slow down and take time to pause and reflect...
Ease the pounding of my heart by the quieting of my mind. Steady my hurried pace. Give me, amidst the day's confusion, the calmness of the everlasting hills.
Break the tensions of my nerves and muscles with the soothing music of singing streams that live in my memory.
Help me to know the magical, restoring power of sleep. Teach me the art of taking "minute vacations"...slowing down to look at a flower, to chat with a friend, to read a few lines from a good book.
Remind me of the fable of the hare and the tortoise; that the race is not always to the swift; that there is more to life than measuring its speed.
Let me look up at the branches of the towering oak and know that it grew slowly and well. Inspire me to send my own roots down deep into the soil of life's endearing values...that I may grow toward the stars of my greater destiny.
Slow me down, Lord.
~~Wilferd Arlan Peterson~~
"Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth."
Psalm 46:10