Spring by Kathryn White

Friday, August 27, 2010

FFF~ In the Kitchen

It's Friday and that means joining the girls at Susanne's place for her Friday Fave Five list. My focus this past week has been on getting through my to-do list and I am feeling so much better about all the things I have been able to cross off that list.
When life gets too busy, the house is the first thing that seems to slide into disarray, so I took some time to focus this week
and get it done.
It also made me appreciate my kitchen more...


I am thankful for my compost bucket/pail, where all the scraps including fruit and vegetable peels, coffee grounds, egg shells etc. go into. Composting is important to me, not because of our sprawling gardens (which we don't have) but because there is less in my garbage can, and the compost goes to good use on the flower gardens.


I am a confessed apron collector but also wear them when working in the kitchen. The other day I went out to greet the mail courier, and she commented on my apron saying that she didn't think anyone wore an apron anymore!
Well, I have news...I do and so do my girls when they are baking and cooking. I bought this apron in England when I spent time with my middle daughter there.

Have you heard of Cath Kidston? I love her stuff!


Our communication set up was not effective as the scraps of paper with messages taken always seemed to disappear under paper clutter. My daughter suggested I get a magnetic board for the fridge so when I spotted these at a store, I picked them up. They have worked well for us as everyone is using the boards to jot messages and notes. The monthly calender is handy so we can keep track of schedules and appointments.


In the summer, the refrigerator is sometimes the most neglected place in our kitchen. This week I went through everything again, and thoroughly cleaned the fridge as well as the freezer. It is so pleasing to open a clean and clutter-free fridge. I'm not sure how long it will last though!


Our freezer was old so when the motor died, my hubby decided it was time for a replacement...something smaller and more energy efficient. He is a huge fan of

kijiji,where he always seems to find the best deals and bargains. I was thrilled when he came home with this freezer which is a perfect size for our home and yet meets all of our family needs.

And another 'new to me' item that he brought home from his work (in the kitchen industry) was this sink faucet for the kitchen. He has repaired our leaking tap just one too many times, so when someone no longer wanted this tap as they were renovating and wanted everything to be new, he brought it home for me.
He's a firm believer in recycling:)
I love it and don't know how anyone can discard something
so new and functional!
I am also so thankful for my hubby who is always looking out for us! He is truly a gem!

And now it is time to get back to my cleaning in the kitchen. My girls are working up a storm at the moment because we are receiving company on the weekend. One couple is arriving from Hamilton tomorrow, the other is a friend of my daughter's from the UK who will be staying for the week. She wants everything to look perfect, so I will sign off. Thank-you again to Susanne for hosting the friday fave five which you can read more about here.

My Kitchen Prayer
God bless my little kitchen,
I love its every nook,
And bless me as I do my work,
Wash pots and pans and cook.
And may the meals that I prepare
Be seasoned from above
With Thy great blessings and Thy grace,
But most of all Thy love.
As we partake of earthly food,
The table before us spread,
We’ll not forget to thank Thee, Lord,
Who gives us daily bread.
So bless my little kitchen, God,
And those who enter in,
May they find naught but Joy and Peace,
And Happiness therein.
Author: M. Peterson (1944)